Ministry Teams

Installation---sun-on-cross web versionChristian Education Teams   

These teams are responsible for teaching and developing programs of Christian faith and practice which are open to neighbors in the community as well as to members of the church. The programs are carried out through inter-team cooperation and the guidance of the pastor(s).

The church school team works with the children’s education director to sponsor the program of Christian education for children from birth to confirmation. The senior pastor is responsible for coordinating confirmation.

The youth fellowship team works with the youth education director to sponsor the program of Christian education and experience for youth.

The adult education team sponsors programs of Christian education for adults.


The deacons, along with the pastor(s), have in their care the spiritual life of the churchWorking with the pastor(s), they are responsible for worship, pastoral care, the service of the sacraments, and periodic review of “Our Covenant” (see Appendix). The deacons provide for the supply of the pulpit when the pastor(s) is absent, and are responsible for the continuing conduct of worship in the event of an interrupted service. Any event that affects the order of worship, as proposed by other teams of the church, should be discussed with the chair of the deacons in advance of such a service. The deacons monitor the Deacons’ Fund, a charitable, discretionary fund from which monies may be drawn for persons in urgent situations.

Outreach Team 

This team is responsible for programs that promote human welfare and justice, seek peace, and build community. It exercises this responsibility through research, education and activities that engage the church with its neighbors in surrounding communities and around the world. It raises money and allocates budgeted funds for mission disbursement. It administers the Peterson Fund awards, which are given for educational purposes.


The trustees are the stewards of the church finances and all church-owned buildings, grounds, major assets, and endowment investments that shall be administered in alignment with the mission and programs of the church.

The trustees are responsible for the financial integrity and viability of the church. With authority given to them by vote of the congregation, the trustees may buy, sell, mortgage, lease or transfer major assets. They prepare and monitor the budget, and report to the congregation periodically on church finances and assets falling outside the annual budget. The trustees receive, count, and deposit all funds received on pledges and from cash collections, account thereof to the bookkeeper, and work closely with the stewardship team and the planned giving team. They also work with the human resources team and appropriate others concerning the yearly review and updating of the contracts of the pastor and staff.